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SEED dashboards content block examples

Rich text block

This block can include any media entity (image, video iframe) with text, titles and in-text links.

Rich text block examples image video iframe

Data listing block

Allows connection to published datasets on SEED, pulls through tags and SEED map link if present. Optional button to a specified link.

Dataset listing block

Promo block

Allows creation of a tile with a title, image, description and button links. Can select background colour (red, green, blue and yellow)

Promo block example

Listing card

Links to SEED resources and news stories

Listing card example

Homepage hero

Requires image, title, subtitle and text

Homepage hero example

Landing page hero

Requires headline. Can add in subtitle text and links

Landing page hero example

Link tiles

Allows links to appear as buttons. Requires at least one link and a title.

Link tiles example

Text and masked image

Requires title, text, image, and an optional button link

text and masked image example

Section title

Requires title, optional description

Section title example