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SEED Citizen Science Hub Retirement: Embracing New Engagement Opportunities

Published on Friday, 23 June 2023

The SEED Citizen Science Hub (CSH) was launched in July 2020 and has been a key component of the Department of Planning and Environment’s (DPE) and SEED’s external citizen science presence, creating a citizen science network that connects people, projects, and data. As of 30 June 2023, the CSH was retired due to limited resources in maintaining the required level of engagement and fulfilling its envisioned intent in serving the goals of citizen science.

While the current form of SEED CSH has been discontinued, the hub infrastructure will be adapted to support the creation of multiple bespoke hubs that incorporate specific data themes to enhance user engagement with their theme and data available on SEED.

Citizen Science remains an important asset to DPE and is widely used across various government programs as a contributor of valuable data, and engages citizens in the scientific process, helping to inform decision-making and promote environmental awareness. Despite the discontinuation of the current form of the CSH, users can continue participating in CS projects and contributing CS data through SEED.

SEED recognises the importance of CS data and remains committed to its value and contribution to scientific research and decision-making. SEED will continue to support making CS data discoverable alongside non-CS data. If you would like more information or guidance on the transition please visit our FAQ page and reach out to [email protected] to link data or for other SEED related enquiries.

We appreciate the ongoing commitment to Citizen Science and its substantial contribution to scientific research, decision-making, and environmental awareness. By embracing these changes, we can ensure the continuity of valuable CS projects and the availability of CS data for years to come.

Header image: Jessica Stokes/DPE

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